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About Us

What is Honey Land™?

At Honey Land™ we are dedicated to offer to our customers a one-stop solution when it comes to natural and organic honey. With our large collection of honey from three different continents, we strive to fulfill our customers’ needs for pure honey at affordable prices and without any compromise in regards to quality. We develop mutually rewarding business relationships with the hard-working beekeeping families, through which we are able to source only the best honey.

Our main goal is devoted to educate both children and adults alike about the important role bees play as a pollinator of our food, and how more than ever they need our help. Through our educational program, we aim to pass our knowledge to the people on how to differentiate good from bad quality honey, thus preventing them from making the wrong decision.


All our bees colonies are grown organically, without the use of drugs and other substances that may fall into the honey and reduce or damage its quality.

Honey Production

We collect honey from our own hives only when it is fully matured to prevent fermentation.

Our honey is produced in places with very low air humidity and is free from antibiotics, pesticides and other pollutants.

Honey Packaging

The place we store and pack our honey is regulated by a team of experts in order to maintain low air humidity.

We then pack the honey in jars without any further heating or processing.

Guaranteed Quality

Every batch of our honey is tested in laboratories to ensure its authenticity and quality.

All the honey we are offering is pure and 100% natural. Our honey is raw, unheated, without added sugar, additives, GMOs, pasteurization or artificial ingredients.


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