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Q: Is your honey natural?

A: Yes. We only sell natural 100% pure raw honey. No preservatives or processed sugar is added to any of our honey.

Q: Where does your honey come from?

A: Our Honey Land honey is sourced from bee farms in Bulgaria; our Mānuka honey is from New Zealand.

Q: The honey we ordered is crystallized. Does it mean it is spoiled or is very low quality?

A: Absolutely not. Crystallization is a naturally occurring process and has nothing to do with quality or expiration date. The rate of crystallization depends on the type of flowers the honey comes from – some kinds of honey crystallize really quickly, while others may never crystallize.

Q: There is an expiration date on the label, but I have heard that honey never expires?

A: The FDA requires all food-related products to have an expiration date. Nonetheless, honey has virtually no expiration date as long as it is properly stored – in a sealed container in a cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Q: Can I consume honey after its expiration date?

A: Of course. If stored properly – in a sealed container in a cool & dry place, away from direct sunlight – honey does not really have an expiration date and is perfectly safe to consume at any point in time.

Q: What’s the difference between Bulgarian and Taiwanese honey?

A: The main difference is in the type of flowers that the bees collect nectar from. This affects the color, taste, sweetness, and the health benefits that honey might offer.

Q: Is Bulgarian honey better than Taiwanese honey?

A: Not necessarily. While some types of honey are considered better due to the health benefits they might provide, it ultimately boils down to the purity of the honey, as well as each person’s own taste preferences.

Q: Can you guarantee that your honey is pure?

A: Yes. We are required by law to conduct laboratory testing on our honey before we export it and the lab certificates are presented to the customs when we import it in Taiwan.

Q: On your website it says that your honey is raw. What is the difference between raw and regular honey?

A: Raw honey is made by extracting the honey from the honeycombs, separating it from things such as beeswax and dead bees, and then bottling it. 

Regular honey, on the other hand, is pasteurized and filtrated, which makes it less nutritious compared to raw honey; some producers also add sugar to sweeten it.

Q: Is your honey organic?

A: While we do have some organic varieties, currently we do not offer any on the Taiwanese market. We believe that the difference between our organic and non-organic honey is too small to justify the higher price of the organic honey.


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