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What is Propolis?

Propolis is made by bees from tree resin and bee wax, and is used to seal and protect the hive. It serves as a defense mechanism against invaders and protects the hive from infections and diseases.

Propolis is rarely available in its pure form and is mainly collected from beehives. Modern science has proven that propolis contains properties that have significant benefits for the human health.

New Zealand Propolis

The quality and potency depend on the country and plants that it is collected from. New Zealand is the best place to obtain the highest and purest quality due to its pristine nature and vast biodiversity.

The healing properties of propolis come from its bioactive ingredients, mainly the flavonoids. Raw propolis contains a lot of wax and impurities and may have very low levels of bioactive ingredients. Propolis products, on the other hand, are concentrated extracts of propolis and have a significantly more powerful effect than raw propolis itself.

Propolis Uses & Benefits

Propolis has been used in traditional medicine for centuries to help fight against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Modern science shows that the bioactive ingredients in propolis have a very high protective effect on the human health:

• immune system: propolis helps to improve immunity and acts as a powerful immune booster

• general well-being: the high content of active bioflavonoids helps for overall health and well-being


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